The Masteryskill Dynamic marketplace is only for high value digital products and in order to keep it that way, there are certain conditions that products listed on the marketplace need to be met.



    1. In order to list your products on the Masteryskill Dynamic marketplace as a vendor, the first thing is for you to read terms and conditions about operating as a vendor on Masteryskill Dynamic.

Click here to read our TERMS AND CONDITIONS

2. Once you have read the terms and conditions and you are satisfied with it, the next thing is to send us details about the product you want to list on Masteryskill Dynamic for approval.

Then it is highly important that the product you are listing is your original product. We do not allow vendors to list products they have resale rights to or any they don’t originally own.

Basically, The detailed we need you to send are


    • The URL for the product’s sales page (we can’t list a product with no sales page. We also advise that you hire a good copywriter to create the sales copy for your product if you can’t do it)

    • Access to the product’s delivery system so that we can verify if it is simple enough for buyers and also check out product quality.

    • The percentage you intend to pay affiliates for each copy sold. (Note that affiliates go for products that benefit them the most)

    • Your customer support information where buyers of your product can easily reach someone to help them if they have any issue with your product.

Send these details to (Use the subject line – Request For New Vendor Application)

3. Once we have approved your product, you will need to create a vendor account.

This account is basically for you to track your sales.

The vendor registration fee is N25,000 a year and it is non refundable.

The registration link for vendors will be sent to you once your product has been approved.

4. Once you have created your vendor account, we will setup the sales page for your first product on Masteryskill Dynamic and make it available to affiliates.


Masteryskilldynamics collects the payments on your behalf, pays the affiliate and delivers the product to the buyer.

Masteryskilldynamic charges 10% of the product cost. So, if your product is N100,000, Masteryskilldynamic charges N10,000

We have a 30-day refund policy on all products

And Vendors are paid once in two weeks on

If you are already a registered vendor on Masteryskilldynamic, all you have to do to list a new product on Masteryskilldynamic are as follows:
(1) Send details about the new product you want to list on Masteryskilldynamic for approval.
Basically, what we need are:
(a) The URL for the product’s sales page (We can’t list a product with no sales page and the sales page has to be well done)
(b) Access to the product delivery system so that we can verify if it is simple enough for buyers and also check out product quality.
(c) The percentage you intend to pay affiliates for each copy sold. (Note that affiliates go for products that benefit them the most)
Send details about these to (Use the subject line – Request For New Product Registration)
(2) Once we have approved your product, we will setup the sales page for your new product on Masteryskilldynamic and make it available to affiliates
If you have further questions about the Masteryskilldynamic marketplace, please send to Your Heading Text Here